Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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Text File
223 lines
Variable Fore,1 ;save ares for initial colors
Variable Back,1
Variable ColorAttr,1
Variable CharIn,1 ;for user responses
Variable RedOnGray,3,116
Variable RedOnBlack,3,4
Variable YelOnBlue,3,30
Variable YelOnGray,3,126
Variable BlueOnGray,3,113
Variable DOW,9 ;for date command
Variable Mo,2
Variable Da,2
Variable Yr,4
Variable CurrTime,11 ;for current time
Variable DirName,78 ;for user entered directory name
Variable FileName,78 ;for user entered file name
Variable Space35,35," "
Variable Space76,76," "
Variable TotSpace,10
Variable AvailSpace,10
Variable Msg,78
Variable Msg2,78
Variable FName,35
Variable LName,35
?Color Fore,Back,ColorAttr ;initial color
?Date DOW,Mo,Da,Yr ;get system date
?Time CurrTime ;get system time
ReadYN "Do you have a color monitor? [Y/N] ",CharIn
Compare CharIn,"Y",,,ColorMon
SetVar RedOnGray,112
SetVar YelOnBlue,7
SetVar BlueOnGray,7
Label ColorMon
Clear BlueOnGray ;clear to my color
Box1 2,10,79,25,YelOnBlue ;info box border
ClearBox 2,10,79,25,YelOnBlue ; interior
Color RedOnGray
Box3 24,1,56,5,RedOnBlack ;title box
ClearBox 24,1,56,5,RedOnBlack
Color RedOnBlack
Center "By",3
Center "Computing Systems Design, Inc.",4
Color YelOnBlue
WriteAt 3,11,"PowerBatch is a power batch utility that produces COMPILED batch files."
WriteAt 3,12,"With PowerBatch you can perform all standard DOS batch functions, plus"
WriteAt 3,13,"use the 35 additional PowerBatch commands to create batch files with POWER."
WriteAt 3,15,"PowerBatch compiles your batch commands and produces a standalone .EXE"
WriteAt 3,16,"module that executes at the top speed of your computer. This information"
WriteAt 3,17,"and demonstration program you are now running is a compiled PowerBatch"
WriteAt 3,18,"program (the included source is DEMO1.PWR). PowerBatch is especially"
WriteAt 3,19,"powerful for screen related functions. Draw boxes, write to the screen with"
WriteAt 3,20,"blazing speed, control text colors with ease, get input from the user, make"
WriteAt 3,21,"data comparisions and logic branches, and access system information with"
WriteAt 3,22,"single commands. Follow this tour of the power in PowerBatch."
GoToXY 26,24
Write "Press any key to continue...",RedOnGray
ReadKey CharIn
Box3 2,10,79,25,YelOnBlue ;info box border
ClearBox 2,10,79,25,YelOnBlue
WriteAt 3,11,"PowerBatch gives you access to the system date and time and makes these"
WriteAt 3,12,"available as variables for your use in screen writes."
WriteAt 3,14,"The system date is returned in four variables of your choice. In these"
GoToXY 3,15
Write "variables are placed Day of the week ("
Write DOW
Write ") Month number ("
Write Mo
Write "),"
GoToXY 3,16
Write "Day number ("
Write Da
Write "), and Year number ("
Write Yr
Write ")."
WriteAt 3,18,"In a like manner the current time may be retrieved into a variable of your"
WriteAt 3,19,"choice, and used any way you wish."
WriteAt 3,21,"Current time is "
WriteAt 19,21,CurrTime
GoToXY 26,24
Color YelOnBlue
Write "Press any key to continue..."
ReadKey CharIn
Box2 2,10,79,25,YelOnGray ;info box border
ClearBox 2,10,79,25,YelOnBlue
WriteAt 3,11,"PowerBatch also provides you with several input commands to retrieve both"
WriteAt 3,12,"data and question responses from the user. Commands are provided to retrieve"
WriteAt 3,13,"one key (and one key only), read one key in upper case, read either Y or N"
WriteAt 3,14,"for Yes/No responses, and to read a string of a specified length."
GoToXY 3,15
Write "Enter one character in lower case [ ]"
GoToXY 38,15
ReadKey CharIn
GoToXY 41,15
Write "You can manipulate the case "
GoToXY 3,16
Write "of the data entered changing from lower ["
Write CharIn
Write "] to upper ["
Upper CharIn
Write CharIn
Write "] to lower ["
Lower CharIn
Write CharIn
Write "]."
WriteAt 3,18,"PowerBatch also contains strong string manipulation commands."
WriteAt 3,19,"Enter your last name "
ReadStr LName
WriteAt 14,19,Space35
WriteAt 14,19,"first name "
ReadStr FName
WriteAt 3,19,Space35
Midstring Msg,FName,1,3
Midstring Msg2,LName,1,3
Concat Msg," "
Concat Msg,Msg2
WriteAt 3,20,Msg
Wait 10
Midstring Msg,FName,1,6
Midstring Msg2,LName,1,6
Concat Msg," "
Concat Msg,Msg2
WriteAt 3,20,Msg
Wait 10
Concat Msg,FName," "
Concat Msg,LName
WriteAt 3,20,Msg
Length Msg2,Msg
Concat Msg,"The length of this name field is ",Msg2
WriteAt 3,21,Msg
GoToXY 26,24
Write "Press any key to continue...",RedOnGray
ReadKey CharIn
ClearBox 2,10,79,25,YelOnBlue
WriteAt 3,11,"PowerBatch gives you the capability to verify drives, directories, or file"
WriteAt 3,12,"names entered by the user. You may execute selected portions of the batch"
WriteAt 3,13,"file based on the existance or non-existance of these entries."
Label ChekDrive
GoToXY 3,15
Write "Enter a drive letter to be verified"
Write Space35
GoToXY 39,15
ReadUpKey CharIn
?DriveExist CharIn,GoodDrive
WriteAt 3,24,"That is not a valid drive in your system. Please re-enter."
Beep 750,8
Wait 30
WriteAt 3,24,Space76
GoTo ChekDrive
Label GoodDrive
GoToXY 3,16
Write "Enter a directory name to be verified"
Write Space35
GoToXY 41,16
ReadStr DirName
?DirExist DirName,GoodDir
WriteAt 3,24,"That is not a valid directory in your system. Please re-enter."
Wait 30
WriteAt 3,24,Space76
GoTo GoodDrive
Label GoodDir
GoToXY 3,17
Write "Enter a file name to be verified"
Write Space35
GoToXY 36,17
ReadStr FileName
?FileExist FileName,GoodFile
WriteAt 3,24,"That is not a valid filename in your system. Please re-enter."
Wait 30
WriteAt 3,24,Space76
GoTo GoodDir
Label GoodFile
WriteAt 3,18,"PowerBatch can query your disk for total space and available space"
WriteAt 3,19,"Drive [ ] capacities are (enter drive letter)"
GoToXy 10,19
ReadUpKey CharIn
?DiskSpace CharIn,TotSpace,AvailSpace
Concat Msg,CharIn," has "
Concat Msg,AvailSpace
Concat Msg," bytes available of the total "
Concat Msg,TotSpace
Concat Msg," bytes"
WriteAt 9,19,Msg
GoToXY 26,24
Write "Press any key to continue...",RedOnGray
ReadKey CharIn
WriteLine "PowerBatch can run any valid DOS command that may be inserted in a batch file."
WriteLine "For example, here is a listing of your current directory..."
Wait 30
Clear ColorAttr ;clear to default color
Dir "/w"
Wait 30
Color YelOnBlue
WriteLine "PowerBatch can also run (and return) other PowerBatch programs, giving you a "
WriteLine "subroutine capability. It has the capability to re-boot the system (which I"
WriteLine "will NOT demonstrate here."
GoToXY 1,5
WriteLine "The purpose of this demonstration is to not only show you the capabilities"
WriteLine "of PowerBatch, but to let you compare the source with the running version"
WriteLine "of this program and aid you in the development of your own PowerBatch"
WriteLine "programs."
GoToXY 1,10
Write "Press any key to continue..."
ReadKey CharIn
Color ColorAttr ;reset original colors
Box3 24,1,56,5,ColorAttr
Center "By",3
Center "Computing Systems Design, Inc.",4
GoToXy 1,24